


understand ​your insurance ​benefits and ​receive insights ​on maximizing ​them

We know the benefits associated with your health insurance. Let us help ​you make the most of it . Go from understanding to doing.

We will get you from point A to point B.

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Handmade Underline Marker
Handmade Underline Marker

For Patients

Get more from your insurance!

We use advanced machine learning, NLP enhanced with medical language models to explain your insurance benefits clearly and provide actionable recommendations for utilizing them effectively.


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For Providers

Cheerful young therapist talks to client

Expand Your Patient Population and Retain Existing Patients

Our tools not only attract new patients to your practice but also enhance retention b​y empowering existing clients to explore comprehensive care options, ultimatel​y improving their overall health​.

Boost Efficiency, Attract Patients. Easy Reimbursements.

We help clinicians who accept non-insurance payments by assisting their patients w​ith reimbursements. This attracts new patients who might hesitate to visit a p​rovider that doesn’t take insurance. No paperwork, no hassle—just a smooth p​ayment experience for everyone adding efficiency to small practices.

For Benefits Managers

Empower Employees, Ease Management B​u​rden

Our AI technology helps employees understand and utilize their health benefit​s and can be accessed at any time, reducing the workload for benefits manager​s and insurance brokers and improving overall employee satisfac​tion.

Colleagues in a Meeting

Our Track Record

"Thanks to /afélei̯a/, I finally ​understood my insurance benefits ​and discovered I could get pain ​management treatments, like ​acupuncture, at no cost. They helped ​me find a provider, and now I’m ​getting the treatment I need. I'm so ​grateful!"

John D., New York, NY

Five Star Icon

"Being diagnosed with alopecia was ​tough, but /afélei̯a/ made it easier. ​They explained my insurance benefits ​clearly and helped me access ​necessary treatments. Their support ​was invaluable during a challenging ​time!"

Sarah M., Boston, MA

Five Star Icon





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